Public Sector Unit Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited has announced the launch of its 4G services in selected cities of Telangana State and Andhrapradesh State.
As per latest information, BSNL after long time is going to launch 4G services in major cities where maximum revenue and number of connections having telecom circle at end of this Financial Year 2017-2018.
In a statement BSNL CMD said, 'A total of 1,150 (4G towers) will be installed in various districts as a part of the 4G GSM expansion project to extend higher data speeds of 4G services to the customers of BSNL'.
BSNL is also looking to improve 3G network coverage in the state’s capital city, Hyderabad. “A total of 64 new 2G and 3G sites have been planned along the Hyderabad Metro Rail corridor for providing seamless 3G services to the customers of BSNL, and all these are planned to be commissioned progressively. Out of these sites, the first new 2G and 3G site at Nagole Metro station have already been commissioned,” says the report
As reported both AP and Telangana telecom circles achieved Rs.2526.18 crore revenue in 2016-17 financial year and added more number of landline as well mobile connections in BSNL network.
As per latest information, BSNL after long time is going to launch 4G services in major cities where maximum revenue and number of connections having telecom circle at end of this Financial Year 2017-2018.
In a statement BSNL CMD said, 'A total of 1,150 (4G towers) will be installed in various districts as a part of the 4G GSM expansion project to extend higher data speeds of 4G services to the customers of BSNL'.
BSNL is also looking to improve 3G network coverage in the state’s capital city, Hyderabad. “A total of 64 new 2G and 3G sites have been planned along the Hyderabad Metro Rail corridor for providing seamless 3G services to the customers of BSNL, and all these are planned to be commissioned progressively. Out of these sites, the first new 2G and 3G site at Nagole Metro station have already been commissioned,” says the report
As reported both AP and Telangana telecom circles achieved Rs.2526.18 crore revenue in 2016-17 financial year and added more number of landline as well mobile connections in BSNL network.